About Stammer Talk

Stammer Talk is an project of Pakistan Stammering Foundation (PSF). This platform promotes the thoughts, ideas and give a voice to people who stammer and a place where people share information and discuss issues.

Pakistan Stammering Foundation

Our Vision: is to make world a better place by helping people towards speech fluency and create equal opportunity for everyone. Our Mission: Work with people having speech disorder (stammering/stuttering) and aid them and guide them to achieve better position in personal and professional life.

PSF Working for the welfare and betterment of people having Speech and Language Impediments:

  • Our Vision: is to make world a better place by helping people towards speech fluency and create equal opportunity for everyone.
  • Our Mission: Work with people having speech disorder (stammering/stuttering) and aid them and guide them to achieve better position in personal and professional life.
  • Encouraging partnerships with like-minded organizations so Stammer Talk can extend its reach, leverage its resources effectively, and ensure sustainability and consistent growth.
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